Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions that we hear often.

Is Home Birth Safe?

Home birth is safe for healthy women experiencing normal pregnancies. Many studies over the years have contributed to the body of evidence regarding this issue. In June 2005, a study involving more than 5000 births attended by Certified Professional Midwives (our credential) was published in the British Medical Journal. You can access that study here. See the Research page for more evidence regarding home birth safety.

Do You Take Insurance?

If you have a medical insurance policy with maternity care benefits, you will need to check with them to see if they would cover your care with us. We are non-participating providers for most companies but some will offer an in-network exception for our care, based on your policy terms. At the end of your care, we are happy to give you an Itemized Statement that you can submit for reimbursement.

If you are a member of a Medical Sharing Company and they require the Itemized Statement ahead of time, we will happily supply that, with the understanding that things can change and extra services may become necessary. Things usually go well with these companies, who value our individualized care and the savings of having a home birth when possible.

We cannot bill your insurance company until after the baby is born and most companies are quite slow in paying. The volume of our practice does not allow us the time it takes to wait for this payment, so we ask that you pre-pay your bill and you will be reimbursed once the claim is processed.

Who Comes to My Birth?

A Licensed CPM and two trained assistants attend each birth. In our opinion, it takes an entire team to ensure that there is adequate coverage for both you and your baby. You are welcome to invite other friends or family members as long as they will be helpful and encouraging to you. We will spend a good deal of time prior to the birth, discussing who and how you can best be served.

Do You Offer Water Births?

We love water births! Around 40% of our families make this choice. We are happy to discuss this with you.

What If I Develop Complications?

Complications can occur at any time during pregnancy. One of the most important aspects of prenatal care is continuing to document a normal pregnancy. If we determine that something is outside the realm of norm, and not treatable with the measures we have to offer, we will assist you in finding a practitioner who can help you, and make a referral. We will continue to offer whatever care and/or support you find appropriate.

Some complications do not show up until labor, birth, or the postpartum period. Usually this does not constitute an emergency, but that certainly can happen. Again, we are trained to deal with these difficulties and will be able to offer suggestions and options for continued appropriate care, either at home or by way of a transport for medical care. If the situation does involve a rare emergency, we will activate an EMS response while caring for you with the resources at hand. We will remain with you until the situation is resolved.